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Tail Tales Blog

Animals + Oils = Love

Nina Munckhof

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

This article was originally published in the February 2019 True North Wellness E-zine created by the Canadian Holistic and Wellness Business Network (CHAWBN).

Make sure to check out to read the new blog featuring myself and other like minded members sharing their knowledge about holistic & wellness products, services and treatments available to you.

February, the month of love, chocolate, valentines, and cinnamon hearts. I am thankful our pets shower us with unconditional love and affection every moment they’re with us, instead of just one focused month a year. That human-animal bond is powerful! It’s why we enjoy our purr-therapy, or paw-therapy, offered by our pets. Let’s return that love this month with a few simple ways to support their health and wellness using essential oils!

Purity is Priority

First, make sure that you’re selecting the purest essential oils to use on your pets. Our animals are more sensitive to chemical compounds that need to be detoxified by the kidney and liver. Since the essential oil industry is not regulated, we need to take it upon ourselves to ensure that we’re educated about the essential oils we choose to use for all the toes and tails in our homes. Look deeper into your $5.00 Rose oil from a store - consider the volume of petals, time and effort needed to create a 5 ml bottle! Some essential oils are easier to mimic chemical components and create synthetic oils, or add natural or synthetic chemical constituents to boost an oils benefits, known as adulteration. Science is amazing in that we can do that, but Mother Nature knows what’s she’s doing and still makes the best! I choose dōTERRA essential oils because of their co-impact sourcing initiatives, and extensive testing methods on every lot of oil, resulting in a beautiful commitment to essential oil purity.

Dilution is the Solution

Of course, we need to use these incredible oils safely on our pets. Please, always dilute your oils appropriately before using them on your pet. You can use the dilution guide shown as a reference to start, and adapt to meet your pet’s needs. Keep in mind that every body is different. For example, my Springer Spaniel Thea could use a dilution of 1 drop EO to 1 tsp carrier oil, but it’s still too strong for her! I have to use a puppy dilution with her. My cat Lira who loves to smell the bottles directly, prefers less dilution! Always start more dilute and add another drop of essential oil if your pet seems to prefer it. Their noses are so much more sensitive than ours, and their preferences can be quite different than ours! Watch their reactions and follow their signals. If you are not sure about safe usage, please contact me so that we discuss this further. It’s so fun to do a live/online class and answer your questions!

Decrease your toxic load

Making the choice to detoxify our homes with essential oils is the basis of supporting our pets health and wellness, and a way to demonstrate our love everyday. Just as chemical cleaners, air fresheners, pollution and other toxins compromise our health, they also compromise our pets health.

With simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, natural soaps and essential oils, you can replace every synthetic cleaner in your household! I love using my natural window spray of ½ cup vinegar, ½ cup water, 1 tbsp cornstarch, and 10-15 drops of dōTERRA Lemon (Citrus Limon) essential oil. It works better than conventional window cleaners; is safe when our pets lick the windows (I know my springer is not the only dog to slobber on the window, and the twins do too!); and it uplifts your mood as well! You don’t have to clear out the cleaning supplies cupboard this instant, just look at where you can decrease the toxic load in your household a bit at a time. Small changes to detoxify your lifestyle can have big effects on the health of everyone in your household.

Our pets gauge our emotions constantly, and their emotions can feed off ours. Using a diffuser to decrease the stress or anxiety that you and your pet are feeling is another simple way to show your love. Ultrasonic, or watermist, diffusers are the best choice to use around your pets as they dilute the essential oil as they diffuse. Nebulizing diffusers should be avoided as the pure-oil mist that is emitted can be too intense.

Many of the relaxing diffuser blends we search for online offer similar benefits to our pets! Just start with less drops than recommended and see how your pet tolerates it. If you have a multi-pet household, simply diffusing some Lavender (Lavendula augustifolia) and/or Frankincense (Boswellia sp.) can help calm the stress level between pets, resulting in less stress for you. Diffusing also decreases environmental threats that stress our immune systems, and eliminates the pet odours we live with, such as litter boxes and wet dogs that have been playing in the snow and mud! If you don’t have a diffuser, you can make a water based spray to use on bedding, furniture, in the car, on your clothing, etc.. There are so many ways we can use our oils aromatically to support the health of our households.

For both aromatic and topical benefits, we can use our essential oils for a relaxing massage! You don’t need to set up a separate massage area, or book a set time to do it! You can do it anytime or place the two of you are together, relaxed,and happy. Remember, we always want essential oil experiences to be positive for our pets. So here’s a couple steps to make it the best bonding time possible:

  • Next time your pet is snuggled in and sitting next to you, consider offering a diluted oil or blend of oils for to sniff from your hands. If your pet eagerly checks it out and moves towards your hands, then you probably have something that they will enjoy! Moving off the seat, away from you and the smell is a strong indicator that that blend is not their favourite. Consider using appropriately diluted Lavender or Frankincense to start as they are both gentle oils, and offer a multitude of benefits.

  • Once the blend has been approved, place a drop or two of the diluted oil/blend in your palms. Rub your hands together and then gently stroke your pet. You don’t have to do a deep tissue massage, just gentle strokes around their body. If your pet is enjoying the massage, you can do more focussed strokes along the spine, down the shoulders and back legs. Keep your strokes calm, relaxed, and gentle, avoiding areas that may cause stress (feet for example) or pain (injuries, arthritis).

  • If you make this massage and it’s blend a ritual of focussed time for you and your pet, the scent associated with it will also have calming effects for other activities. You could apply the aroma to you before you go to the vet to help reassure them that you’re there and they’re safe. Diffuse in the car when going for a ride or in the house when company is coming over. That scent will be a gentle memory trigger of love, security and safety.

There are so many ways we can support our family’s wellness naturally with essential oils. I invite you to follow me on Facebook @ToesandTailsWellness, or Instagram @toesandtailswellness, for more tips, diffuser ideas, resources, and online or in-person classes! If you would like to know more about the oils that I use because I am confident in their purity, you can visit or message me so that we can chat about essential oil support for all the toes and tails in your family!

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